Monday, January 23, 2012

My Husband's Heart

After revealing my fears and hurt, my husband did his best to encourage me. I spent the rest of my lunch hour reminding myself of God's faithfulness and perfect timing. Still, I wasn't feeling complete peace. Then I got an email from him:

Babe I love you
Jesus bring Your peace to my wife’s heart
Please help her know Your peace continually in her mind
We give our desire for beautiful babies to You
We will continue to give it to You as oft as we need to
As oft as we need to
As oft as we need to we will run to Your arms
As husband I give You my desire to make everything “right”
As friend I give You my desire to heal with words
Only Your words heal

As I was reading, tears were flowing freely - with healing in each drop. To see his desire to love on me, encourage me, protect me, help whatever I need, I was able to see through the stuff we've been facing and see my husband's heart - the beauty, humility and surrender to Jesus.

Thank you, babes, for loving me. Thank You, Lord, for bringing us together to walk this life alongside one another. Thank You, Lord, for always holding us close to Your heart - even though we need reminding.

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